More on Tivat

With slightly cooler temps and/or early morning breezes, I start up taking morning walks. (Back in California, I love my morning walks with my walking buddies – Katie, Kate, and Kirsteen. Katie and I have been walking religiously for what, nearly 15 years now?!? And looking at that list, I’m wondering if your name needs to start with a “K” in order to be a walking buddy?! 😉 In any case, I miss y’all, and wish we could walk and unpack this place together!)

Once I get a regular loop going, I feel a bit more like a local. Just thought I’d share my random observations and photos of Tivat beyond the Porto Montenegro marina…

I typically see very few other walkers, runners or joggers. However, you do see some swimmers, plenty of sun bathers, and a plethora of 70+ year olds sporting bikinis. I can only hope to be that comfortable at their age! I hear mostly Montenegrin, Russian, Ukrainian, and other Serbian languages. Very little English or other languages I recognize. It is a beautiful seaside to stroll.

Another thing you see a lot of in Tivat is cats and kittens everywhere. They seem homeless, but I think people look out for them. You also see lots of dogs. They seem so well behaved too, as most are not on leashes and follow their owners easily. I love finding dogs just chilling out in the mornings enjoying the sea view as I do. 

Shops have long days. Many are open by 8am, others by 10am. But all tend to stay open until 10pm. Most, however, are completely closed on Sundays, including grocery stores. We also happened to be here during the Montenegrin Statehood Day in which all shops / businesses were closed for two days. We were not aware ahead of time, but thankfully restaurants were still open. (Statehood Day marks the day in 1878 on which the Berlin Congress recognized Montenegro as an independent state.) Here are a couple shops I found interesting…

Here are some general views of Tivat town…

Back in Porto Montenegro, I just had to share some photos of the gorgeous infinity swimming pool at the yacht club. For plebs like us, they allow for a free early morning swim a couple of times each week. We enjoyed it twice, including our last day in Tivat.

We have so enjoyed this beautiful place. It has been such a great home base as we have prepared for our ongoing adventure. We leave today and are both a bit sad to say goodbye. But, we’ll be back for a brief visit in September!

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