Corsica and Great Friends

Upon leaving Pisa, we pointed our sails towards the large French island of Corsica. Our hope was to meet up with a couple of Conor’s Irish college buddies and their wives as they were already in Corsica. Ed and Heike were on their own boat, and Trevor and Sally Ann were vacationing on Corsica but […]

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Another Side of Tuscany

When someone mentions Tuscany, who doesn’t think of Florence? Well, we have now visited the road (or seas, as the case may be) less traveled and can recommend several new spots worth visiting!  Our next goal was to reach Rome (technically, Fiumicino) to collect Laura’s second round of friends from Cleveland. From the island of […]

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McGann Juniors Join Us

We get very excited when Laura and Rory join us on our travels. 🙂 This summer they were able to come together for three weeks, unlike last summer when their schedules did not align. It was Laura’s turn to invite friends along, and we enjoyed getting to know them all. Rory was fresh off a […]

Read More McGann Juniors Join Us

The Amazing Aeolian Islands

What a wonderful treat the Aeolian Islands were! Sometimes called the Lipari Islands for the largest of the seven islands in the volcanic archipelago, this cluster of beautiful islands sits just north of Sicily. This Sicilian archipelago happens to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it has been so important to the study of […]

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Breaking in the New Season

Thanks to Conor for the clever post title. 😉 I may have jinxed us with my previous post “Let Season 3 Begin!” by claiming how our first couple of days out were fabulous. We have seen our fair share of challenges in the week since then, but at least we’re working them out before we […]

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Spring in Sicily

Before I get too far ahead in our new season, I need to jot down all the random things we’ve done in the last few months so I don’t forget them. Here’s what we were up to while in Licata… 1) Graduation – The biggest reason I’ve been far behind in my blog posting so […]

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Let Season 3 Begin!

And we’re off!  We left Licata yesterday with a weather window to head west around Sicily. If we didn’t leave now, we wouldn’t have time to go west where we haven’t gone before. If you read my recent post, “Plans for Summer 2024,” you know where we’re headed this season. It’s always bittersweet to leave […]

Read More Let Season 3 Begin!

Andalucía – Córdoba

Apologies, this post should have been written and published back in February. The city of Córdoba is beautiful and historically fascinating, and we simply loved it. With so much to see and do, it rivals other cities in Andalucía. Córdoba started out as a very important Roman city built on the only major navigable river […]

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Andalucía – Málaga

Apologies, this post should have been written and published back in February. Málaga is famous for being the gateway to Spain’s beautiful Costa del Sol and the birthplace of Pablo Picasso. It has an easily accessible airport and sits right on the sea. We ended up taking three day trips to Málaga (because of said […]

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Plans for Summer 2024?

It’s already mid-April, and people are asking questions… Are we going to be sailing soon? Yes! We are currently finishing up small maintenance tasks on Sabática as well as waiting for a good patch of weather, but we hope to set sail for our new season within a couple of weeks. Woohoo!  Where do we […]

Read More Plans for Summer 2024?